Friday, 5 July 2013

Reiki Made me complete and can make you too

We all wonder what our life purpose if and what we are meant to do in this life time on earth. I was the same since childhood always felt something was missing like an incomplete puzzle didn’t know what it was.
Wanted to become a doctor or an Artist. Couldn't do either and persuaded with Bachelor's degree in Computers, then got married and had kids. Still something was missing L.
Only little did I know that universe had it all planned for me to happen at a right time at right pace. After my second child was born I was unwell and my little girl too wasn’t too well. Nothing serious but still issues crept growing bigger which impacted the health, emotions and that reflected my family. I was very tired both physically and emotionally and gave up on being positive. Medical system had no answers to my health issues, this is when Reiki came to my life through a friend.
I wasn’t sure will Reiki fix my life, health, or my child’s health. But at that time thought if nothing else a satisfaction that I have tried would be there. It was so simple techniques and I have to say I was feeling good to learn and use it every day, and was thinking it's going to benefit my family and didn’t realise how much of my own personality, health and confidence levels were growing and boosting up. And little did I know what my life will be turning up since Reiki Level 1 attunement.
I wasn’t stressed with small things, didn’t mind if I was out of work for few weeks, nor is the house wasn’t not cleaned up daily, just wanted to enjoy life and started slowly incorporating the Reiki principles into my life. When I was going through these challenges they weren't the easiest of all but daily Practice of Reiki has given me the strength to cope with any challenges and the best thing was I was looking forward to it every day as a new day and new life. Only recently I realised yes I feel now complete and full and have clear direction why I am meant to be on this earth and the role I have to play.  We all have many gifts and talents but we don’t explore them due to lack of Self-belief. Confidence is an empowering tool, which can help in handling most situations in life. Reiki can bring confidence into a person and benefit a person intensely.
Its only one life and we need to live up to it fully. Surely Reiki gives the direction and guidance that we look for. Only thing is we need to believe in ourselves and work on it.

Reiki is a simple healing tool that can be used anywhere anytime. Reiki attunements can be attained in different levels, you can use it on yourself, family, friends, home, workplace and almost with everything. Reiki is a gentle application and helps in body healing. Reiki energy brings higher frequency of energy, which limits our fears and makes us optimistic towards life. When we are making use of Reiki in our daily life, the frequency of energy becomes higher. There is a change of state of mind while making use of Reiki energy. There is change in emotional and physical state of person with regular implementation of Reiki.

 Reiki gives you the life you always wanted for. Practice and Patience with Reiki brings the best out of us.

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