Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Reiki Continuous Practice Tips

Every Reiki Master teacher stresses on the importance of regular and continuous practice of Reiki self healing for twenty-one days after attunement. There are several reasons for this.
Firstly, during these 21 days, a lot of cleansing takes place in your body. You must ensure you drink plenty of water and sleep sufficiently. Regular Reiki practice during these days helps remove the negativity accumulated by your body over your lifetime. Secondly, your body is still new to the energy being channelled, and it takes 21 days for it to get adjusted to the new activity. From a psychological aspect too, it has been found that a person takes about 21 days to form a habit.
Finding the time for daily self-Reiki can be challenging, especially for new practitioners, or busy people who have a lot going on in their lives. Its more an excuse we give ourselves than trying to find the way to do.
Here are some tips to help you get past that initial stage and help you keep going for 21 days practice.  21 days is for make or break the habit. So let's see how we can make most out of it. After you keep practicing for several days, you’ll find that it gets easier to find the time, and after a few weeks, it even becomes easier to keep doing Reiki and we get on to Autopilot stage.
  • Practice before going to bed. If you’re very tired, just go to bed, place a hand on your solar plexus chakra, and one on your heart, and send Reiki. It’s OK to fall asleep. Also helps me to unwind from all the thoughts and things that happened in the day.
  • Wake up earlier. Yes, it’s challenging, but definitely worth it. Waking up 10-15 minutes earlier and doing 1 minute of Reiki in each hand positions will have a great impact in the long term. I do Presnooze time and use as my 'Reiki wake up', this makes me feel its my day and in control through out the day.
  • Use the “idle” time, e.g. on the train, Luas, stuck in traffic [easier if you are passenger], walking, after yoga - sawasana position, waiting in line at the bank…
  • Send Reiki to yourself or your situation with the intent that you manage to find more time for practicing.
  •  Reduce time spent on other activities, such as TV, internet browsing, facebook, email. Or I sit infront of TV and give Reiki to myself. Or you can while on a long conversation phone as well :)
  • Ask your angels, or your subconscious mind, to give you determination to keep going with practicing Reiki. The more we resist is when we need it most. Just stay open to the changes and you’ll be surprised to see how quickly it works  .
  •  Set an appointment with yourself, every day, and make it highest priority. Use your bath time as well for Reiki. Or set a Me time for 5 or 10 min, And this is very minimal ask out of 24hrs we have.
  • Send Reiki to your Solar Plexus Chakra – this is the chakra of personal power, which governs the power of your will among others. A strong will help you find solutions and prioritize things that are important for you, personally.
  • Find a “Reiki buddy” that you practice together with – it will increase the accountability and you’ll both have a better chance sticking to the schedule. Barter system is the way going ahead now or Energy exchanges
  • Place a time-related affirmation in your Reiki box, such as I always have enough time to do everything I desire, for my highest good.

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