Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Happiness!!! How to invite into your life

Yes in recent times we are so busy that we are forgetting what and where Happiness lies and it’s a situation of bring it back into our lives.

Think of a situation last time you felt happy? [Pause]
We would take minutes to realise it and this incident could be from a past year or years etc but not the fact that when you consumed your coffee this morning you were happy too!!!
Yes being in presence and enjoying is happiness..

But most of think Happiness lies in exotic holidays, big salary, big house everything related to that is driven by materials.

There are many instances in 24hrs we are happy but we never get chance to acknowledge it,
Like for instance- coffee with yourself, colleague or friend, someone says you look beautiful or nice, when you pick your favourite clothes to wear, walk in park, beach, time spent with your kids today, or your pet, when you spoke to your distant friend, when you saw funny thing on bill board etc..

I will be sharing you simple techniques that I started following in my journey to bring back happiness in life and affirmation that you can use:
1.       Smile: a simple smile on face brings me aware that is the ultimate of everything. If I don’t smile means I am missing something. And this helps me to think what it is and need to let it go
Affirmation:" I am full of Laughter today; I am letting go so I can smile"

2.       Relax: once the physical body and mind are relaxed you will see things differently
Affirmation: “I am relaxing in being myself" “My body and mind are relaxing"

3.       Quieten: Mind controls us as everyone one. Our thoughts create our future. The lesser the worries, thoughts the more the happiness and space we create to make our life more beautiful
Affirmation: “My mind is Quiet" "My thoughts are creating my future and they are full of energy and positive"

4.       Nature walk: Being grounded in nature brings connection to who we are and this helps us to understand the core meaning of our life. Simple walk with bare feet on grass or sand or in your own home and feel the energetic
Affirmation:" I am Grounded" “I enjoy the nature"

5.       Breathing:  We all breath take shallow breadth but try deep breadths in and out from our core abdomen and slowly take each breadth this is quiet effective in instant relaxation, quiet mind, get the anger out.
Affirmation: “I am relaxing myself with every breadth I take" “My whole body relaxes with my breadths"

6.       Gratitude: Simply being grateful for everything we have in our life, yes everything could be the lessons learned or not so good moments we had. This helps us to realise the value of life and attract nicer things
Affirmation: “I am Grateful for all things happening in my life" “Thanks you universe for providing me everything that gives me happiness"

7.       Meditation / Visualisation: 'I am happy' say this and it brings happiness in our world. And helps to simply enjoy the small things in life like having fun in beach, walking along the park and see the baby in buggy smiling.
Affirmation: “I am Happy" “I am calm" “I love myself" “I love my life" " My life is full of fun and Laughter"

8.       Forgive: Forgiveness helps us to empty lot of thoughts and gives space to feed in positive thoughts. Life is much more than holding on a grudge for someone. We only hurt ourselves than any good
Affirmation "I am forgiving ……… [Some person or situation] And this helps for my higher good" “I am letting go of any thoughts that don’t serve right for me now"

"I usually say the aim of life is to be happy. Our existence is based on hope. Our life is rooted in the opportunity to be happy, not necessarily wealthy, but happy within our own minds. If we only indulge in sensory pleasure, we’ll be little different from animals. In fact, we have this marvellous brain and intelligence; we must learn to use it" - Dalai Lama

Friday, 6 September 2013

Fresh Start of the week

Last 2 Mondays in a row I was feeling tired and constantly in need to caffeine and was not able to focus on my work. And then I realised I was surrounded by many more people like me who couldn’t be fresh on start of a week or was constantly tired and needed the day to finish sooner.

Few things that I realised was most of us weren't sleeping well on Sunday nights due to the thought of work, routines, mechanical life back on etc. etc.
And when we wake up we say ' oh gosh its Monday already where did my weekend go and what happened' and it's very important that first thought, first thing comes to our mind is how we lead our day. If we think in a sad way the day is going to be like and we will be upset and we are attracting negative energies and worries. But if we think positive and smile and wake up our day is miraculously going to be fun, happy, wonderful and all easy going. Stop worrying, stop complaining what the god hasn’t given us, appreciate what we have and show gratitude to attract more in our life"

So on 3rd Monday I tried differently which was tried to be conscious of how I was feeling in the mornings in general and this particular Sunday night I paid more attention and which had an amazing effect and would highly recommend to try for anyone feeling like me on Mondays or any weekdays. Unless we try we won't know if it works either.

If you would like you to start your every day or especially on Monday morning with an affirmation. When you first wake up and open your eyes, here are some affirmations you can say:

"I am having a great day today"
"What a beautiful day it is"
“I love myself for who I am"
“I am having a fun filled day"
“Miracles are going to happen today"
"I am going to be surrounded by happy souls and positive things"

"An affirmation is a beginning point. It opens the way. You are saying to your subconscious mind: I am taking responsibility. I am aware that there is something I can do to change.
If you continue to say the affirmation, either you will be ready to let whatever it is go, and the affirmation will become true; or it will open a new avenue to you. 
Let’s affirm: Every thought I think is creating my future
“Few years ago I didn’t believe in this when I read Louise Hay book but now I can't be without having an affirmation to create my life the way I want :)

Open your eyes. If you are surrounded by your loving partner greet them with a smile and wish a happy day and give kisses and hugs to children as by doing this not only you are benefitted but also your family.  
You can say these affirmations while still on the bed or print this out and keep on the wall or bedside. Say them for the entire week. Add your own affirmations in present tense and see how you can change your life by a single thought.

Have a great weekend and wonderful fresh days.
Love and Light 

Thursday, 29 August 2013

Kids back to School

Like every parent I am bit amused this evening. Looking forward for my baby stepping into a new world of life. Well this is where the life begins. The journey of ourselves who we are and our identity.
This is second time I am going through and for last time too. 
Kids are excited to face the new place, new friends, new games, new teacher, new school etc.. but for me its always going to be my babies forever.. 
All we can do is to grow with them, learn with them, feel their challenges and be friends. Never let your worries cross through them. Its the best times ever they are doing to have. The innocence of these kids don't let it getaway in the learning process. The creativity and imagination can only increase as they have no fear no boundaries. I love to be a kid and its such a pure feeling ,we knew nothing yet we did say we know everything :), the world was what we created and what and whom we wanted to be with ... the imaginary friends, fairies, spiderman, barbies etc.

Be a Kid again Love <3

Monday, 26 August 2013


How many times have you heard yourself say, "I deserve better than this"? Maybe you are referring to your relationship, your job or how people treat you. Are you doing anything to change things or are you putting up with it? Make a list of where you can make changes. Small tweaks here and there can create huge improvements, but settling for how it is will not make you happy. What will you do today to make it better?
If you have a problem do you face it head on or bury your head in the sand? The head burying may seem like the easy solution but the problem never goes away and you end up feeling bad anyway. So challenge yourself to face your problem. Break it down and work on ways you can sort it out. Look at others who were faced with a similar dilemma and ask what they did to work it out. Next time don't take the sand option.
Focusing on the problem is always a worry and a negative energy. Think back take time and bring back positive thoughts
Trying to please everyone is always a thankless task, and is not usually possible. And at times even trying to please one person, whether it's a family member or a work colleague can be very challenging. There is only so much you can do, so sometimes the best thing to do is to go with the flow.
We all go through this challenges time to time and not an easy one to face but taking that time out and thinking through ourselves will help us to be grounded and think of solution rather than the problem.
Happy Monday Everyone

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

What if things go wrong

What if things go wrong, What if Things don’t work out, What if I am Wrong in my Decision? What if I can’t reach on time… What if__________ hundreds of statement are made in a day and in our lives… and unique thing about it is we think only if it doesn’t work only .. and trying to send the negative vibe already and even before the answer is made in positive vibe…
But have we ever thought What if we are right? What if It works out, What if it’s Successful.. Seldom or never for most of us…
If we start on it we are so hoping things to work and making plans when it works how to handle it and how to be grounded.. 
Start different from today and let it flow..
The Secret behind the successful people is that they think different and utilize the power of mind ..when someone can achieve something by this simple rule why can’t we ?

Always Believe something wonderful is going to happen

Always Believe something wonderful is going to happen .. and erase all the old and negative patterns we have got. Life becomes too busy /mechanical and routine that we don’t have moments to our thoughts or peace in mind... and then we come back years later and ask what have we achieved from life.. instead if we give preference to be happy and nothing else.. Its becomes Simple and calm again..doesn’t happen in a Day like Switch on and Off but does take Patience and Practice to achieve and change our beliefs and thoughts…Think Back and Appreciate what you have gotValue what we have today and Enjoy the DAY we get to have and live each day as it’s the Last one.. to its full..

Monday, 15 July 2013

Reiki for Children

It’s the Summer holidays and lot of parents worry about kids when they fall, hurt or while traveling on holidays and back to school time. Yes when schools reopen the sickness rate rises as kids are having low immune system. Constantly as a parent we keep worrying about the health and wellness of family and children and never a quiet moment. And worries are the negative patterns and energies. Which do no good to any one of us.

 So wanted to share the benefits of Reiki and how it brings calmness and relaxation and many more benefits for us. Would like to share some of my own experience of how Reiki helped me so this could help you as well by making you more calm and relaxed and help you enjoy the holiday season that extra bit.
Reiki has the ability to heal, comfort and bond with our children at the touch of our hands.  Reiki provides peace of mind for the parents by knowing they can be an active part in their children’s recovery by simply laying Reiki charged hands on their babies.

Using Reiki helps me because I know I’m actually doing something for my children.  I know I’m helping bring about my child’s well-being by just laying my hands on my kids.  Reiki fastens recovery while reducing the severity of the symptoms.

Some examples when Reiki came has been very helpful with my children:

First Aid:  Reiki is always available, I don’t need to remember to bring it along in my handbag.  My first aid is Reiki until I can get to a band-aid or its quick fix for me.

My Eldest daughter fell down in front of the house and her forehead got hurt and was bleeding and in mean we took her in and was thinking what first aid to apply and then I did Reiki for 10 minutes which calmed and soothed her. In mean time we observed the injury was very deep cut and took her to GP and then to Emergency department for the stiches. Next day she went into surgery to get the stiches and all way I was giving here Reiki and which meant I was calm and relaxed and that made her calm and in few days she recovered so well with no issues and no side effects from surgery. Or the stiches. The wound healed faster.

Hospital/Surgery: Should your child ever need to be in the hospital Reiki can sooth your nerves while helping your child at the same time.

Another instance when I used Reiki was during my daughter’s Ear surgery.  I was able to be with her and Reiki her while she was being put under general anesthesia.  I was in the waiting room sending Reiki. And in no time she recovered so well and no side effects. And this has a great effect on the anxiety when one is in hospital. And Pre and post surgery anxiety and nerves for both parents and children.

Honestly, at times like these, I am helping myself feel better as much as helping my child.  I know the Reiki is fostering well-being, but  knowing I can be of comfort with my Reiki filled hands helps me trust in the healing process.

Illness:  Reiki boosters the immune system.  So before or after the first sign of illness sets in, I use Reiki on my children.  Fevers are another great time for using Reiki.  I am of the mindset to let fevers run their course since they bring about healing.
Many illnesses just take time for recovery.  It brings peace of mind while waiting for recuperation that I can be helping with Reiki.

Soothing emotions:  Growing children have lots of hormones coursing through their bodies which can lead to moodiness at times.  Children also experience sadness and grief and the full range of emotions just like adults do.  There’s nothing better than holding my daughters and giving Reiki filled hugs to settle the upsets.

Away from home:  Another bonus with Reiki is the ability to send distant Reiki to my daughters even if they aren’t with me.  When they are with friends, at school, or traveling I just send them distant Reiki to ensure their well-being. Rather than worrying for their wellness.

Reiki empowers parents when raising children by giving them the ability to help with the touch of their hands.  Reiki provides opportunity for bonding and cuddling while simultaneously bringing about well-being.  Reiki allows for fulfilling relationships with your children.  The ability to use Reiki during the most challenging times of being a parent uplifts and brings relief.

I highly encourage parents to learn Reiki. You and your family will be happy you did.

For those of You who are already attuned to Reiki… Reiki your children often.

Reiki Blessings to You and yours!

Friday, 12 July 2013

Weight loss with Tapping

I am being brave to post this on my blog today.Have maintained a blog fa blog hidden for a about a week and its time to face it up. Nothing to loose here other than Weight. Yes I am  Tapping into issues around my weight loss and I am going to get healthy, fit for life and my big target is set for 15 weeks. 
I have already started last week and cant wait for 15 more weeks.
will be posting my progress updates on Weight loss and sure will be there to help along if any one wants to follow me in this journey. Yes its a journey for me. I have been overweight for past 11 years for various challenges and reasons that happened in my life and I am ready to go through my journey backwards to reach my target weight to what I was in 2001. Been a long time but still achievable.
Good luck to me and all the followers on this track.

Happy weekend..

Friday, 5 July 2013

Reiki Made me complete and can make you too

We all wonder what our life purpose if and what we are meant to do in this life time on earth. I was the same since childhood always felt something was missing like an incomplete puzzle didn’t know what it was.
Wanted to become a doctor or an Artist. Couldn't do either and persuaded with Bachelor's degree in Computers, then got married and had kids. Still something was missing L.
Only little did I know that universe had it all planned for me to happen at a right time at right pace. After my second child was born I was unwell and my little girl too wasn’t too well. Nothing serious but still issues crept growing bigger which impacted the health, emotions and that reflected my family. I was very tired both physically and emotionally and gave up on being positive. Medical system had no answers to my health issues, this is when Reiki came to my life through a friend.
I wasn’t sure will Reiki fix my life, health, or my child’s health. But at that time thought if nothing else a satisfaction that I have tried would be there. It was so simple techniques and I have to say I was feeling good to learn and use it every day, and was thinking it's going to benefit my family and didn’t realise how much of my own personality, health and confidence levels were growing and boosting up. And little did I know what my life will be turning up since Reiki Level 1 attunement.
I wasn’t stressed with small things, didn’t mind if I was out of work for few weeks, nor is the house wasn’t not cleaned up daily, just wanted to enjoy life and started slowly incorporating the Reiki principles into my life. When I was going through these challenges they weren't the easiest of all but daily Practice of Reiki has given me the strength to cope with any challenges and the best thing was I was looking forward to it every day as a new day and new life. Only recently I realised yes I feel now complete and full and have clear direction why I am meant to be on this earth and the role I have to play.  We all have many gifts and talents but we don’t explore them due to lack of Self-belief. Confidence is an empowering tool, which can help in handling most situations in life. Reiki can bring confidence into a person and benefit a person intensely.
Its only one life and we need to live up to it fully. Surely Reiki gives the direction and guidance that we look for. Only thing is we need to believe in ourselves and work on it.

Reiki is a simple healing tool that can be used anywhere anytime. Reiki attunements can be attained in different levels, you can use it on yourself, family, friends, home, workplace and almost with everything. Reiki is a gentle application and helps in body healing. Reiki energy brings higher frequency of energy, which limits our fears and makes us optimistic towards life. When we are making use of Reiki in our daily life, the frequency of energy becomes higher. There is a change of state of mind while making use of Reiki energy. There is change in emotional and physical state of person with regular implementation of Reiki.

 Reiki gives you the life you always wanted for. Practice and Patience with Reiki brings the best out of us.

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Reiki Continuous Practice Tips

Every Reiki Master teacher stresses on the importance of regular and continuous practice of Reiki self healing for twenty-one days after attunement. There are several reasons for this.
Firstly, during these 21 days, a lot of cleansing takes place in your body. You must ensure you drink plenty of water and sleep sufficiently. Regular Reiki practice during these days helps remove the negativity accumulated by your body over your lifetime. Secondly, your body is still new to the energy being channelled, and it takes 21 days for it to get adjusted to the new activity. From a psychological aspect too, it has been found that a person takes about 21 days to form a habit.
Finding the time for daily self-Reiki can be challenging, especially for new practitioners, or busy people who have a lot going on in their lives. Its more an excuse we give ourselves than trying to find the way to do.
Here are some tips to help you get past that initial stage and help you keep going for 21 days practice.  21 days is for make or break the habit. So let's see how we can make most out of it. After you keep practicing for several days, you’ll find that it gets easier to find the time, and after a few weeks, it even becomes easier to keep doing Reiki and we get on to Autopilot stage.
  • Practice before going to bed. If you’re very tired, just go to bed, place a hand on your solar plexus chakra, and one on your heart, and send Reiki. It’s OK to fall asleep. Also helps me to unwind from all the thoughts and things that happened in the day.
  • Wake up earlier. Yes, it’s challenging, but definitely worth it. Waking up 10-15 minutes earlier and doing 1 minute of Reiki in each hand positions will have a great impact in the long term. I do Presnooze time and use as my 'Reiki wake up', this makes me feel its my day and in control through out the day.
  • Use the “idle” time, e.g. on the train, Luas, stuck in traffic [easier if you are passenger], walking, after yoga - sawasana position, waiting in line at the bank…
  • Send Reiki to yourself or your situation with the intent that you manage to find more time for practicing.
  •  Reduce time spent on other activities, such as TV, internet browsing, facebook, email. Or I sit infront of TV and give Reiki to myself. Or you can while on a long conversation phone as well :)
  • Ask your angels, or your subconscious mind, to give you determination to keep going with practicing Reiki. The more we resist is when we need it most. Just stay open to the changes and you’ll be surprised to see how quickly it works  .
  •  Set an appointment with yourself, every day, and make it highest priority. Use your bath time as well for Reiki. Or set a Me time for 5 or 10 min, And this is very minimal ask out of 24hrs we have.
  • Send Reiki to your Solar Plexus Chakra – this is the chakra of personal power, which governs the power of your will among others. A strong will help you find solutions and prioritize things that are important for you, personally.
  • Find a “Reiki buddy” that you practice together with – it will increase the accountability and you’ll both have a better chance sticking to the schedule. Barter system is the way going ahead now or Energy exchanges
  • Place a time-related affirmation in your Reiki box, such as I always have enough time to do everything I desire, for my highest good.