Monday, 7 July 2014

#45 days Challenge Day 6

Day 6

So with so many Strawberries in home my sugar craving is much ease J Sunday another beautiful day. Today is very special day for me and my eldest as we both are going spend the afternoon at Mindfulness Ireland where kids over 7 yrs were invited. Ishitha is into tapping and loves her Reiki and Angels. But wanted her to be introduced to Meditations and wanted to be a memorable day for us too.

Sure we did miss my little and my husband but was very good experience. She was quiet and observing everything and was loving the art side of it. And that is her mindfulness.

We got to do meditation lying at the end  I was so looking forward fto it and she was watching me and others. Kind of a reassurance for her that my world with’ experience healing’ is a normal one seeing where others moms and dads with the kids along.

Today’s Mantra “ I am beautiful”

Then we spent the evening in Greystones Harbour catching up with rest of them. 
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