Monday, 23 June 2014

Tips to Increase Intuition

“Everyone has intuition. The more you acknowledge it, the stronger and more accurate it gets,” says professional spiritual and medical intuitive Marla Mitchell. Like the muscles in our body if we don’t use we don’t realise but when we use like in Gym , Pilates reminds us wow never knew about their existence :)
I will be sharing few tips below how to increase our intuitions on daily basis:

  1. Meditation: Daily meditations - Clearing your mind of repetitive thoughts and worries will make it easier to listen to your intuition. Find a meditative technique you are comfortable using and practice.  More on it you can refer to my previous newsletter or blog here
  2. Breath in and out: relaxes mind and body so you can me more clear. Simple techniques helps to see clear picture
  3. Connect to nature: ground yourself more often
  4. Listen to Gut : out stomach say if the decision we are making is right or wrong.
  5. Soles of the feet to the earth : Grounding helps in being presence
  6. Rose quartz/ amethyst crystal on 3rd eye: Activates your 3rd eye chakra for intuition
  7. Clear your mind - Write things down, emptying helps in making space for practice. Start your Intuition journal so you refer back
  8. Affirmations : brings in positivity and trust. " My Intuition is always right", " My decisions bring in prosperity" et
  9. Practice : Yes practice more of it and trust yourself

Hope this helps in decision making or if you're at cross junction in your life