This Blog is about the Journey that anyone goes through at some stage of life.Also the Journey that I am experiencing through healing path I have choosen... Reiki... Check out
Monday, 31 December 2012
Experience Healing Through Reiki: Happy New year 2013
Experience Healing Through Reiki: Happy New year 2013: New year New beginning is a great momentum to be looking forward. Most of us do our countdown moments to new year and look for new mag...
Happy New year 2013
New year
New beginning is a great momentum to be looking forward. Most of us do our
countdown moments to new year and look
for new magic's to happen and work on the to do list and what to do different
Well some
of us try to do them at least by 5% and then the novelty wears off, but those
few days of happiness is very unique.
I love
the way we all have our unique ways of welcoming a new beginning of a new year..
different to others but still few moments of happiness surrounds us.
New year
and resolutions always go side by side, Not sure why but they do.
This year
I would like to write my to do lists in my life and see how far I am stretching
to go for them.. What is yours and what are you doing to achieve them?
No matter
what you do , make sure you bring happiness to your soul at the end of each
Friday, 21 December 2012
Best Wishes from Experience Healing

Thanks to all of you for the on-going support to Experience Healing.
It’s that time of the year where we all take a moment to think back; how far have we travelled in year 2012 what can we do, or do in the Year 2013.
It is great excitement to welcome a New you into a new year.. Like every day is a new beginning and every year is so exciting with all little magic's yet to happen.
I take this moment to introduce you all to a New workshop, New Beginning - Healing with ART that I am excited about starting. And I hope you all will be able to enjoy it as much as I do.
Journey of Healing over the year has been great experience for me and when looking back at it and putting together all the changes that have happened in my life in the last year, it has given birth to a new beginning. Healing with Reiki has been the key cause for me in the last couple of years. However based on the experience gathered and doing bit more of exploration in the different forms of healing like
· Healing Yourself through basic actions
· Healing with Words
· Healing with Angels
· And then Healing with ART
I have found a greater passion towards the later i.e. Healing with Art. May be it is because I am an artist by passion and have spent several years doing the art work and have displayed art in several exhibitions and painting has a special place close to my heart. When I started exploring this area there is lot of cohesion between the healing and the art and that is how this new idea of healing with art evolved with in me . Very happy and delighted that not only I can enjoy the healing through art but through the medium of workshop share the journey of Healing with you all through different forms using Art as the key essence. I am sure sure this will rekindle the passion of art in many of you and bring back memories that you can cherish down the years.
My Reiki journey would still continue this is an addition to the existing list of workshops. Workshop numbers are limited to maintain a high student teacher interface. A deposit of €20 secures a place on the course. The balance paid on the day of the course. For more info and booking please Phone Sri manju, Reiki Master on 0868502689 or e-mail:
• When: Saturday 05th January 2013
• Where: Sandyford Wellness Centre
• Cost: Usually €80, if you book before 25th December its €40 only
• Booking: Call Sri Manju on 0868502689 or email
• All the Materials provided including Canvas and Acrylic paints and Brushes
• Visit
May this holiday season
leave you with precious memories:
A Christmas filled with love and light,
perfect gifts, delicious foods,
love and joy all around.
A New Year with continuing blessings—
friends, family, good work, great fun,
and delightful surprises.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
By Joanna Fuchs
Please read the below section for more info on the above topics. Thanks for reading through the newsletter and we wish you and your family Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Healing Yourself through basic actions
Experiencing and expressing gratitude is an important part of any spiritual practice. It opens the heart and activates positive emotion centers in the brain. Positive emotions we evoke can soothe distress and broaden our thinking patterns so we develop a larger and more expansive view of our lives. Gratitude is an emotion of connectedness, which reminds us we are part of a larger universe with all living things.
Let us all give a moment and recollect the times in the past of year 2012 or even earlier where we had a positive influences or even accepted the part of someone in our lives that made a change or where there when we needed the most , gave the most comforting space, helped in making a change we always we always wanted to do.
“Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.”
― Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough."
-- Oprah Winfrey
How to express Gratitide:
1. Have a personal journal to write about the moments to express and bring in more Gratitude into your life. "What is you give is what you get back "
This exercise basically consists of writing down every day a list of three to ten things for which you are grateful; you can do this first thing in the morning or before going to bed at night
2. Write a gratitude letter to a person who has exerted a positive influence in your life but whom you have not properly thanked or Send a Card, mail , text, never leave it for too long.
Giving thanks makes people happier and more resilient, it strengthens relationships, it improves health, and it reduces stress.
3. Gratitude can lead to feelings of love, appreciation, generosity, and compassion, which further open our hearts and help rewire our brains to fire in more positive ways.
4. Send Healing or Reiki
5. Keep the people in your prayers.
If the only prayer you say in your life is ‘thank you,’ that would suffice. – Meister Eckhart
Gratitude should not be just a reaction to getting what you want, but an all-the-time gratitude, the kind where you notice the little things and where you constantly look for the good even in unpleasant situations. Today, start bringing gratitude to your experiences, instead of waiting for a positive experience in order to feel grateful; in this way, you’ll be on your way towards becoming a master of gratitude
Healing with Words
65,000 thoughts a day is what an average human has in just 24hrs.. could you imagine how busy we are keeping our Brains.
People talk all the time on going on a diet, Detox, cleanse, inside out etc.. but its all about Physical level – could be an exercise, yoga, eating healthy but we don’t focus on the healing our Brain..
Research shows the thought are from Past .. we keep worrying on what we did yesterday and future what we want..
And never give a break between both.. its like a see saw never a balance between both..

But what is we want is a simple question but then it opens a can of worms for more thoughts.. Yes the thoughts are the worries than the solution .. and Problem if one thought then if’s and buts’ etc.. go on and on..on….. never ending…
But once we write the worries on a piece of paper and look back it does make sense we are not worrying or thinking for the right things.. it’s the unwanted ones we keep worrying and then the problems are half solved …
And all the needed is done for BRAIN automatically.. Think for a minute…
Healing With Art
How does art heal? Scientific studies tell us that art heals by changing a person's physiology and attitude. The body's physiology changes from one of stress to one of deep relaxation, from one of fear to one of creativity and inspiration. Art and meditation music put a person in a different brain wave pattern, art and music affect a person's autonomic nervous system, their hormonal balance and their brain neurotransmitters.
This is what exactly we are going to do and welcome a New year and a New beginning into our lives.
Healing with Art’s workshop is designed with passion to explore the creative side of your personality. We are all so busy with our life and sometimes our inner passions and small cheerful hobbies disappear in the hussle bussle. The motivation behind this workshop is to get you connected back with those inner passions.
Not only that have you ever wanted to paint but never picked up a Brush, now this is an opportunity to get that ticked off as well…..
Creativity isn't just about art. It's about the journey. And a journey into your innerself
Offering all of you out there to discover new skills, learn techniques, master the Mindfulness and relaxing whilst further developing their own personal style.
Doing all those while healing yourself …. Following is the format for the day
Basically the Day will start with Guided mediations to relax yourselves and will do Reiki(Healing therapy) on everyone.
and then Art Materials will be provided to start painting - its doesn't matter what we do as each painting and Art does have a meaning that the person will get and makes them happy. Healing with Art brings along Color therapy where in a person is drawn to Red means its balancing the Root chakra so we will cover more details on this and similarly for other colours. And you will also have an opportunity to experience mediation in between complimented by Angel card reading.
So its all about letting the inner child talk to us through the colors and brushes for the day and make yourselves happy kicking of the new year with a new beginning … ..full of positive energy….
Upcoming Reiki /Healing with Art Workshops
1 Day Healing with Art Workshop
5th Jan, 2nd Feb
Reiki Level 1 Workshop
19th, 20th Jan
Reiki Level 2 Workshop
26th, 27th Jan
Reiki Level 3 Workshop, Master Certification
23rd ,24th Feb
For More details Contact – Sri Manju @ 0868502689
Discounts for Unwaged, Students
Also Login in to Facebook @Experiencehealing to join in for Free Distance Healing
Tuesday, 5 June 2012
Experience From Flora's Women Mini Marathon thanks to Flora Women's Mini Marathon
It was great experience to be part of 40,000 women and walk 10k for a good cause..
Wasn’t easy or tough and I wasn’t competing either. All I wanted was to enjoy the atmosphere was great to see so many colours.. mmmm where did all these women come from and after the race all vanished away.. all that was left in the streets was empty cups..and no sign of any thing big happened.. This is the World’s biggest womens event is what registered in my subconscious mind…
Was watching different t-shirts and reading the charity names written on the shirts. Some were doing for a lost child, dad, mom and loved ones who battled with some life threatening diseases and making awareness and everyone has a reason to be part of this event. Some walked chatting away with best mates, some made new friends on the way, some did for proving themselves that they CAN DO IT.
Was great to see the cheer leaders and Kids screaming Bravo and nearly there.. wow lifted the spirits to complete the walk..
There are all sorts of Races and Colours and nationalities in the FWMM ,some in crutches some in wheelchairs supported by family members, some with artificial legs.. wow this was amazing to see the spirit of everyone to be part of it..
Love to know the reasons for being part of the Race one day, of everyone who comes forward to register....
This is my second experience guess many more to come…
And It was a coincidence to have my birthday on the same and got a chance to celebrate over 40,000 people.. wow loved the moments when I met my family and Kids greeted me with Cards/Cake.. just a fantastic memorable day in my life.
Thank you Flora Mini Marathon team
It was great experience to be part of 40,000 women and walk 10k for a good cause..
Wasn’t easy or tough and I wasn’t competing either. All I wanted was to enjoy the atmosphere was great to see so many colours.. mmmm where did all these women come from and after the race all vanished away.. all that was left in the streets was empty cups..and no sign of any thing big happened.. This is the World’s biggest womens event is what registered in my subconscious mind…
Was watching different t-shirts and reading the charity names written on the shirts. Some were doing for a lost child, dad, mom and loved ones who battled with some life threatening diseases and making awareness and everyone has a reason to be part of this event. Some walked chatting away with best mates, some made new friends on the way, some did for proving themselves that they CAN DO IT.
Was great to see the cheer leaders and Kids screaming Bravo and nearly there.. wow lifted the spirits to complete the walk..
There are all sorts of Races and Colours and nationalities in the FWMM ,some in crutches some in wheelchairs supported by family members, some with artificial legs.. wow this was amazing to see the spirit of everyone to be part of it..
Love to know the reasons for being part of the Race one day, of everyone who comes forward to register....
This is my second experience guess many more to come…
And It was a coincidence to have my birthday on the same and got a chance to celebrate over 40,000 people.. wow loved the moments when I met my family and Kids greeted me with Cards/Cake.. just a fantastic memorable day in my life.
Thank you Flora Mini Marathon team
Thursday, 19 April 2012
My Discovery with Reiki
I had extensive pain in my feet, hands, knees, wrists and shoulders. I wasn't able to walk down stairs, bend to sit on a chair or stand on my tiptoes and feed my children, change them or even cut vegetables. The pain was incredible! Overwhelming and very frightening.
In addition to the pain the whole body was swelling with inflammation and pain. As you can imagine this created an initial 'balance' problem A problem that I overcame in time.
Because my body was so quickly crumbling I had to take action. After much exploration in the alternative healing field I found Reiki. Prior to Learning Reiki Level 1 I practiced Yoga , went for daily walks which I could no longer do because of the impact it put on my already damaged wrists, ankles, feet.
I thank God every day that I found the courage and strength to step into my first Reiki Course and practicing it daily since then. From that moment forward my life, my health and my attitude changed for the absolute better. However, I had to commit and I had to Practice and be Patience.
I want to tell you that I have not cured my Arthritis completely. It has, however, gone into remission and I am able to be independent and mind kids on myself which is a big improvement. I am also still taking medications as required but the dosage of each has greatly been reduced since the Practicing Reiki on me and one day I hope to be medicine free. The Reiki Energy acts as a pill. If I am taking it daily I feel good. If I "fall off the “Practice Wagon" for a bit...I feel pain once again.
I encourage you to just TRY and remember that you must accept the challenge or difficulty of any situation in order to become powerful in it. You have nothing to lose and you can do ONLY what your body will allow you to do. It may take months for you to notice a huge improvement or a few days but in the meantime you are perfectly free to give yourself few minutes of recharging as I call with Reiki (If are in Level 1) or as much as you are able on any given day. I will remind you that this is an Energy Healing that is designed for EVERYONE. We are all our own individual and we must listen to the unique messages our bodies send us with all three ears.
Time in the Reiki Healing will most likely be your friend. There will be some difficult days but I am confident that there will be a longer, healthier life ahead if you can just keep the faith and TRY.
Practice Daily and be Patience
Sri Manju
ph: 0868502689
In addition to the pain the whole body was swelling with inflammation and pain. As you can imagine this created an initial 'balance' problem A problem that I overcame in time.
Because my body was so quickly crumbling I had to take action. After much exploration in the alternative healing field I found Reiki. Prior to Learning Reiki Level 1 I practiced Yoga , went for daily walks which I could no longer do because of the impact it put on my already damaged wrists, ankles, feet.
I thank God every day that I found the courage and strength to step into my first Reiki Course and practicing it daily since then. From that moment forward my life, my health and my attitude changed for the absolute better. However, I had to commit and I had to Practice and be Patience.
I want to tell you that I have not cured my Arthritis completely. It has, however, gone into remission and I am able to be independent and mind kids on myself which is a big improvement. I am also still taking medications as required but the dosage of each has greatly been reduced since the Practicing Reiki on me and one day I hope to be medicine free. The Reiki Energy acts as a pill. If I am taking it daily I feel good. If I "fall off the “Practice Wagon" for a bit...I feel pain once again.
I encourage you to just TRY and remember that you must accept the challenge or difficulty of any situation in order to become powerful in it. You have nothing to lose and you can do ONLY what your body will allow you to do. It may take months for you to notice a huge improvement or a few days but in the meantime you are perfectly free to give yourself few minutes of recharging as I call with Reiki (If are in Level 1) or as much as you are able on any given day. I will remind you that this is an Energy Healing that is designed for EVERYONE. We are all our own individual and we must listen to the unique messages our bodies send us with all three ears.
Time in the Reiki Healing will most likely be your friend. There will be some difficult days but I am confident that there will be a longer, healthier life ahead if you can just keep the faith and TRY.
Practice Daily and be Patience
Sri Manju
ph: 0868502689
Tuesday, 27 March 2012
Reach for the Stars
Always Believe something wonderful is going to happen .. and erase all the old and negative patterns we have got …
Life becomes too busy /mechanical and routine that we don’t have moments to our thoughts or peace in mind... and then we come back years later and ask what have we achieved from life.. instead if we give preference to be happy and nothing else.. Its becomes Simple and calm again..doesn’t happen in a Day like Switch on and Off but does take Patience and Practice to achieve and change our beliefs and thoughts…
Think Back and Appreciate what you have got
Value what we have today and Enjoy the DAY we get to have and live each day as it’s the Last one.. to its full..
♥ ♥ ♥
Life becomes too busy /mechanical and routine that we don’t have moments to our thoughts or peace in mind... and then we come back years later and ask what have we achieved from life.. instead if we give preference to be happy and nothing else.. Its becomes Simple and calm again..doesn’t happen in a Day like Switch on and Off but does take Patience and Practice to achieve and change our beliefs and thoughts…
Think Back and Appreciate what you have got
Value what we have today and Enjoy the DAY we get to have and live each day as it’s the Last one.. to its full..
♥ ♥ ♥
Monday, 13 February 2012
Valentine’s time ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥..
Feb 13th, 2012
Valentine’s time ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥.. all the Red roses, presents, chocolates, cards etc.. all around us.. It’s such a beautiful feeling to be presented by a lovely gift from the loved ones..
So much of beautiful energies around and perfect time to celebrate and express the love for the loved ones..
We all look for reasons to express love to others .. constantly trying to impress, buy gifts, say I LOVE YOU.. is that it?
Does this all bring happiness to you?
Why don’t we all change this by doing it different?
What different? Now the mind started thinking of different ways to express it again in 100 unique ways hahahahahahah
Well all the change or difference is very simple and hardly any expensive..
All we have to do is say I LOVE MYSELF to ourselves YES you read it right I LOVE MYSELF is the change..
No matter who is in your life at any moment of time.. we are with ourselves always and ever..
So why don’t we start loving ourselves from within and treating ourselves with love and presents too.. that will make a difference to whom we are ..
If we don’t love ourselves whom have got to love us.. The change in us will attract the nicer people and they will look up to us ..
Happy Valentine’s day to Myself
“Falling in love feels so good because we’re really falling in love with us.” – Lisa McCourt
Valentine’s time ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥.. all the Red roses, presents, chocolates, cards etc.. all around us.. It’s such a beautiful feeling to be presented by a lovely gift from the loved ones..
So much of beautiful energies around and perfect time to celebrate and express the love for the loved ones..
We all look for reasons to express love to others .. constantly trying to impress, buy gifts, say I LOVE YOU.. is that it?
Does this all bring happiness to you?
Why don’t we all change this by doing it different?
What different? Now the mind started thinking of different ways to express it again in 100 unique ways hahahahahahah
Well all the change or difference is very simple and hardly any expensive..
All we have to do is say I LOVE MYSELF to ourselves YES you read it right I LOVE MYSELF is the change..
No matter who is in your life at any moment of time.. we are with ourselves always and ever..
So why don’t we start loving ourselves from within and treating ourselves with love and presents too.. that will make a difference to whom we are ..
If we don’t love ourselves whom have got to love us.. The change in us will attract the nicer people and they will look up to us ..
Happy Valentine’s day to Myself
“Falling in love feels so good because we’re really falling in love with us.” – Lisa McCourt
Monday, 6 February 2012
“What if we are Happy”
Jan 31st, 2012
“What if we are Happy”
What if things go wrong, What if Things don’t work out, What if I am Wrong in my Decision? What if I can’t reach on time… What if____________ hundreds of statement are made in a day and in our lives… and unique thing about it is we think only if it doesn’t work only .. and trying to send the negative vibe already and even before the answer is made in positive vibe…
But have we ever thought What if we are right? What if It works out, What if it’s Successful.. Seldom or never for most of us…
If we start on it we are so hoping things to work and making plans when it works how to handle it and how to be grounded..
Start different from today and let it flow..
The Secret behind the successful people is that they think different and utilize the power of mind ..when someone can achive something by this simple rule why can’t we ?
“What if we are Happy”
What if things go wrong, What if Things don’t work out, What if I am Wrong in my Decision? What if I can’t reach on time… What if____________ hundreds of statement are made in a day and in our lives… and unique thing about it is we think only if it doesn’t work only .. and trying to send the negative vibe already and even before the answer is made in positive vibe…
But have we ever thought What if we are right? What if It works out, What if it’s Successful.. Seldom or never for most of us…
If we start on it we are so hoping things to work and making plans when it works how to handle it and how to be grounded..
Start different from today and let it flow..
The Secret behind the successful people is that they think different and utilize the power of mind ..when someone can achive something by this simple rule why can’t we ?
Reiki Helps in healing Past emotions..
Jan 24th,2012
Reiki Helps in healing Past emotions..
But are we ready to be healed is a question to myself or to anyone in the situation... but sure why not if you can have a better future was my answer to myself..
When a person can have a better life or best current times then why live in Past and do nothing about it..
Everyone has a unique reason to live in past could be like relationships, money, confidence, love, anger, fear, etc..
Healing is 2 ways in my view one emotional/mental and other Physical.
Physical injuries or problems have lots of ways to be healed but Mental healing very few.. Even to agree to ourselves we have problems is first major step..
and then next step is to HOW to heal ? or methods..
once we are ready to open up we have loads of options but would have never been heard in our lives then as we weren't ready to be looked out for...
Emotional Clearance is not an easy way but then not the hard thing as well.. yes tough when you go through but then the BEST comes out of it.. Its like emptying the waste water from vessel and filling in with new and fresh water..
The fresh thoughts will fill you in once all the dirt is out which contains our weaknesses, fears etc...
The NEW us is what we dreamt of to be and now here we are with it.. and what to do with it is the next step again..
Check this space for more updates :)
Happy Day
Reiki Helps in healing Past emotions..
But are we ready to be healed is a question to myself or to anyone in the situation... but sure why not if you can have a better future was my answer to myself..
When a person can have a better life or best current times then why live in Past and do nothing about it..
Everyone has a unique reason to live in past could be like relationships, money, confidence, love, anger, fear, etc..
Healing is 2 ways in my view one emotional/mental and other Physical.
Physical injuries or problems have lots of ways to be healed but Mental healing very few.. Even to agree to ourselves we have problems is first major step..
and then next step is to HOW to heal ? or methods..
once we are ready to open up we have loads of options but would have never been heard in our lives then as we weren't ready to be looked out for...
Emotional Clearance is not an easy way but then not the hard thing as well.. yes tough when you go through but then the BEST comes out of it.. Its like emptying the waste water from vessel and filling in with new and fresh water..
The fresh thoughts will fill you in once all the dirt is out which contains our weaknesses, fears etc...
The NEW us is what we dreamt of to be and now here we are with it.. and what to do with it is the next step again..
Check this space for more updates :)
Happy Day
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